Thursday 16 February 2012

Partnerships in Learning

Today's adventure in learning engaged the students in a dissection of a pig's lung as a way to process their understanding of how the respiratory system worked. Two student teachers from Vancouver Island University, Sara Rostron and Kelsey Brown, co-designed and co-taught the lesson to support one another through the process. This was truly an authentic experience that left students with a deep understanding of how the repiratory system works.
When new teachers enter the profession with the experience and understanding of how to collaborate and work toward improving student learning as a community, we shed the notion of being isolated in the profession and encourage the culture of professional learning communities.                                    


Val Martineau said...

This morning the grade 5's were so excited about dissecting the pig's lung they could barely contain themselves. Their enthusiasm was contagious. Thanks for providing such a great learning opportunity Kelsey and Sara.

Sara Rostron said...

This was the most incredible teaching and learning experience I have had so far. The students were absolutely buzzing with excitement for the entire two weeks leading up to the big day.
I was so impressed with how all of the students approached the experiments with such an inquisitive and professional scientific mindset. It solidified everything we had learned in the two weeks previous in a deeply profound and unforgettable way. I loved it every bit as much as they did and will never forget it!

Colin Parker said...

Well done Sara. We are extremely proud, plus you have wonderful future ahead of you.

This is the kind of initiative and creativity that makes you a "special person" and heading towards a great career.